澳门足球博彩官方网址 celebrates the illustrious career of retiring Athletic Director and Hall of Fame Women’s Basketball Coach Harry 米克斯
澳门足球博彩官方网址 celebrates the illustrious career of retiring Athletic Director and Hall of Fame Women’s Basketball Coach Harry 米克斯
文森地区,印第安纳州. -在文森斯大学出色服务33年后, Athletic Director and Hall of Fame Women’s Basketball Coach Harry 米克斯 will retire in June 2024, 留下卓越的遗产和无与伦比的影响,对澳门足球博彩官方网址体育和超越.
根据澳门足球博彩官方网址总裁Dr. 查克•约翰逊, 米克斯’ leadership has elevated 澳门足球博彩官方网址 体育运动 and profoundly influenced the lives of many.
约翰逊说, 哈利·米克斯, 文森斯大学不仅有教练或体育主管, but a true leader whose fervent dedication has been the bedrock of the 澳门足球博彩官方网址 体育运动 Department. His steady hands have guided our athletics programs and shaped the lives of countless 澳门足球博彩官方网址 student-athletes, 澳门足球博彩官方网址教练, 澳门足球博彩官方网址校友, 以及更广泛的大学社区. 能和米克斯教练一起工作是我的荣幸, witnessing firsthand the enormous impact he has made locally as well throughout the State of Indiana and nationally.”
约翰逊继续, “他在文森斯大学留下的遗产是卓越, 完整性, 无论是在课堂上还是在球场或赛场上,都是如此. 澳门足球博彩官方网址庆祝他的退休, 文森斯大学对他孜孜不倦的努力深表感激, 无尽的热情, 以及他在澳门足球博彩官方网址留下的不朽遗产. 他对文森斯大学的影响将代代相传.”
米克斯 在4月24日的澳门足球博彩官方网址开拓者所有体育宴会上宣布退役, allowing the 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Community and University supporters to celebrate him and his distinguished career.
富兰克林说:“每个人都需要给这个问题一些真正的思考和观点。. “He’s an 82-year-old man who has been running the 体育运动 Department and has been the Women’s Basketball Coach. 澳门足球博彩官方网址的许多年轻运动员可能想要考虑如何渴望做到这一点. At 82 years old, he has spent his entire life in this, and that is an impressive thing to do.”
自1991年加入澳门足球博彩官方网址以来,他一直担任该校第四任女篮教练, 米克斯建立了卓越的标准, 使他成为该项目历史上最成功的教练. 在担任临时体育总监之后,他于2010年担任体育总监一职, 在他的任期内,他获得了几次全国冠军, 全美本校, 学术全美学生运动员.
在他的领导下, 女子篮球取得了举世瞩目的成就, 拥有750胜283负的令人印象深刻的战绩.6胜率.
米克斯的杰出成就赢得了印第安纳州和全国的认可. 他于2020年进入了NJCAA女子篮球教练协会名人堂.
他对卓越的追求也延伸到了其他体育项目. 澳门足球博彩官方网址 体育运动 has produced eight team national championships with 米克斯 as athletic director, 包括2019年的男子篮球, 2011年网球, 2013, 2016, 以及2018年男子高尔夫赛, 和2010年, 2012, 2014年保龄球队. The Track and Field program has also produced numerous individual national championships with 米克斯 at the helm.
在竞技场上, 米克斯 has been a driving force in fostering academic success and personal growth among student-athletes. Last year’s grade point average for the Women’s Basketball program was an impressive 3.437, while the last complete cohort shows 澳门足球博彩官方网址 体育运动 programs had a 67 percent graduation rate. 米克斯’ commitment to the total development of student-athletes is evident in the Women’s Basketball team's exceptional 92.最近毕业率只有3%.
Dr. 克里斯蒂Kellams, 整形外科医生和前澳门足球博彩官方网址女子篮球运动员, 把她的成功很大程度上归功于米克斯. 他看到了她的潜力,并承诺提高她的水平. Under his mentorship, she flourished, earning a full-ride scholarship to Arizona State University.
Kellams说:“我年轻的时候有两个愿望. 我想打一级篮球,我想上医学院. In high school, I started to see that dream to play Division I basketball was probably just that. 这可能只是一个梦, 但是有一天晚上, 他在斯普林斯谷招募我去文森斯打篮球. 我永远不会忘记澳门足球博彩官方网址第一次谈话时他对我说的话. 我不确定这是恭维,但这是诚实的. 他说, “You know Kellams you're not really that good of a ballplayer but you hit the floor more than the ball does and if you continue to hustle like that, I think I can teach you how to play basketball and I think I can get you to that next level.他兑现了这一声明, and I got a full-ride scholarship to play two more years of basketball at the Division I level at Arizona State University.”
Grateful for his guidance, Kellams pursued her second dream of attending medical school.
“在这两年里, 我在文森斯的时候,澳门足球博彩官方网址赢了65场篮球比赛,可能输了五六场,”她说。. “It is impressive the amount of games that we won but his lessons have lived on long after those games were won. His dedication and direction to me as a student-athlete taught me about commitment and perseverance, and he inspired me to always do my best no matter what I was doing whether that be on or off the court. 据说树的高度是由树根的深度决定的. 我想对他说声谢谢,因为他是我的根的一部分. 这帮助我长高了. I’ve used all those skills that he taught me and was able to go on to achieve that next aspiration. 我将永远感激他和他已故的妻子, 玛莎·米克斯, 感谢他们对我生活的影响, 我将永远珍藏这些东西.”
另外, his deep commitment to breast cancer awareness and community-based initiatives like the Play 4 Kay campaign that supports the Kay Yow Cancer Fund demonstrates that his values and influence extend far beyond 澳门足球博彩官方网址.
米克斯 has enjoyed success at the NJCAA women’s basketball level in addition to the NCAA Division I men’s college basketball ranks and high school boys level.
在1991-92赛季之前,他接任了女子篮球教练. 第二年, 他带领澳门足球博彩官方网址取得了有史以来最好的成绩, 32-2, 并在NJCAA一级全国锦标赛中获得第五名. Another highlight of his 澳门足球博彩官方网址 tenure was the 1997-98 team reeling off 29 consecutive wins to start the season.
3月13日,米克斯在澳门足球博彩官方网址取得了职业生涯的第700场胜利, 2021, and passed Hall of Fame Coach Dan Sparks for the most wins in 澳门足球博彩官方网址 basketball history on April 1, 2021, 这是他职业生涯的第707场胜利.
在似曾相识33年, he has enjoyed 23 seasons of winning 20 or more games and 11 NJCAA National 之旅nament appearances.
在他的指导下, 91 women’s basketball student-athletes successfully transitioned to play at the four-year level, 其中许多人进入了著名的NCAA一级项目,如阿拉巴马州, 俄勒冈州, 路易斯维尔, 犹他州, 和新墨西哥州.
米克斯执教过澳门足球博彩官方网址30名全美女篮中的26名, 进一步巩固了他作为教练传奇的声誉. 澳门足球博彩官方网址’s NJCAA All-Americans during 米克斯' tenure include 2011 State Farm/Women's Basketball Coaches Association Junior College Player of the Year Jasmine McGhee as well as 2014 All-American Anya Kalenta. Both players were honored following their Trailblazer careers by the Women's Basketball Hall of Fame for their outstanding play.
The Trailblazers compiled a 19-11 overall record this past season with freshman Destinee Hooks earning 2024 Region 24 Player of the Year honors, 同时,他还被评为24区年度最佳新生,并入选了全美二队, 而大二学生埃莉基亚·巴塞伊拉第二次获得了全24区的荣誉.
米克斯在丹维尔开始了他的教练生涯, 维吉尼亚州, 1973年,后来在伍德斯托克的一所军事预科学校当教练, 维吉尼亚州. 在来到似曾相识之前,他曾带领阿拉巴马州的一支高中男子球队三年. 作为该州最大的招生类别中最小的学校, the high school program had won only five games in the four seasons before 米克斯 took over.
He coached for 11 years in the men's college basketball ranks before accepting the Alabama high school position. 他在西卡罗莱纳做了五个赛季的助理教练, 在辛辛那提大学当了四年助理教练, 并在弗吉尼亚理工大学工作了两个赛季.
A U.S. Navy veteran and native of Staunton, 维吉尼亚州, 米克斯 holds a master's degree from 维吉尼亚州 Tech. 他和玛莎是两个女儿莫莉和梅兰妮的父母. 在转到卡罗莱纳海岸大学之前,莫莉在澳门足球博彩官方网址为她父亲效力.
澳门足球博彩官方网址 will soon commence a search for a new athletic director and a new women's basketball coach to continue the proud traditions 米克斯 has established.
More details about a retirement celebration for Harry 米克斯 will be forthcoming soon.
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